Yesterday was probably one of the weirdest days I've ever had. Despite getting nearly 9 hours of sleep, I could barely get out of bed when my alarm went off. By the time I did get up, I was running late and spent the morning rushing around to get ready and out of the apartment in time for work. Ten minutes before 9:00, I was out the door and hurrying through the rain. Thankfully it's a short walk, and I can usually make it in 10 minutes, it just doesn't give me time to get my coffee or breakfast once I get there.
So, as I'm walking to work, talking to my mom on the phone, a bus drives past me, through a puddle, and sends a wall of water showering onto me. I was soaked. I'm pretty sure I screamed into the phone, but then I just started laughing. It was all I could do. My coat had absorbed most of the water to my upper body, so really just my jeans and boots had it worst. My mom asked if I needed to go home and change, but I was already late and by some miracle my feet were dry despite my sopping boots. So I continued to make my way to work.
Once I got to work, I started getting the chills from my wet jeans and just all around wasn't feeling well. I began to rethink my decision not change into dry clothes and nearly called it a sick day and went home.
But I stayed, and around 10am I got an email the rallied my spirits a bit: Joseph was asking me to read the scripture in church in 2 weeks. Well, that's one thing that I love to do and don't get the opportunity often, so I was pretty happy about that.
And then, around noon, guess who walks into my lobby? You'll never guess (unless you're one of my book club girls and got the email I sent as soon as he walked in). It was, wait for it, Jason Mesnick. That's right, the Bachelor (or Bastardachelor as I like to call him... but not to his face) walked into my lobby 2 days after "the most dramatic After the Final Rose Special in history!" airs! I was flipping out. I really wanted to be rude to him, but I knew I couldn't because that would probably get me fired. So I just pretended I didn't know who he was. Probably the nicest thing I could do, because he said he's getting harassed by everyone these days. But the best part was that Bonnie was on tv while he was waiting and she talked about him the entire time. Amazing!
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, but the morning was eventful enough for the whole week. Frachel and I were planning to run after work, but decided not to because of the rain. We still wanted to hang out though, so I ended up helping her make dinner then she, her boyfriend, and I had dinner together and ended up hanging out and watching shows til past 10. It was so much fun.
Also, this afternoon at lunch I saw Drew Lachey.