Friday, November 14, 2008

I hate to admit it...

But I'm actually enjoying Twilight. Its just the teen fiction/romance/fantasy that I love (A Great and Terrible Beauty, Harry Potter, etc.) Definitely not the best I've read, and of course there are major flaws in the story and storytelling. But it's still a whole lot of fun and quite an enjoyable read.

Monday, November 10, 2008

A game I like to play

Sometimes when I'm walking around on the lot, and a tour cart drives by, I'll put on my sunglasses and sort of try to hide my face so the people on the tour think I'm famous. But then I wonder, if I've succeeded in fooling them, and they really do think I'm someone famous, who do they think I am?

That is the game I like to play. I also like to play my own version of "GeorgeWatch '08" called "ZachWatch '08" where I keep an eye out for Zach Levi. That's a fun one too.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Project!

Well, I finally did it. After months of encouragement, I have finally started a photo blog. It's not just any photo blog, it's a 365 photo blog! I'll post one photo a day for one year, and the rule is that some part of me has to be in each photo. It also has to relate in some way to what I've done or what has happened that day. We'll see how it goes. Check it out! MJ365.

Friday, October 03, 2008

What is this world coming to?!

The other night I was watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith on FX (don't ever watch movies on FX by the way, the cut out imperative scenes and have commercial breaks every 2 minutes), and I kept seeing two of the worst commercials I have ever seen.

The first was for some fast food (I think it was Arbys) chicken fingers, and this is what the commercial was: A man is eating his chicken fingers at an outdoor table with is dog tied to the table, watching him eat. The dog whines at the man, so he gives the dog A WHOLE CHICKEN FINGER. The dog holds the chicken in his mouth for a moment and just looks at the man, indicating he wants to dip the finger in barbecue sauce. So the man lets the dog dip his chicken finger and then the dog swallows it whole.


Are you trying to kill your dog, sir?! Is Arby's trying to convince us that feeding your dog a whole piece of fried chicken smothered in barbecue sauce is actually good for him?! I never feed Henry anything but dog food and dog treats, with the occasional carrot thrown in there. I can't imagine how fat and sick a dog would be if his owner actually fed him from the table like that. Ew. It's pretty much abuse, and it makes me so angry to think that a restaurant is using to sell their chicken.

The other commercial was for electronics for toddlers. I think it was from Playskool, and it pretty much shows two 3-year-olds running around with their damage-proof DVD player and digital camera, dropping them and banging them on things and throwing them in puddles. But, good news, Playskool made them out of brightly colored plastic and rubber, so they're fine no matter what!

Really, Playskool? Really? You think irresponsible, clumsy toddlers need expensive, up-to-date electronics so much that you're making child-proof versions now? I kind of always thought that if a kid isn't responsible enough not to break something of value, he doesn't get it until he is. How spoiled are children these days that instead of teaching them to respect the value of their toys and games, we just make the toys unbreakable and let the kids go to town? Why do toddlers even need portable DVD players and digital cameras, anyways? Whatever happened to dolls and make believe and those fake cameras that click and flash but don't actually take pictures? How good would pictures taken by a 3-year-old turn out anyways?

I know, I sound like a grumpy old man right now, but all this over-saturation of media at such a young age just seems unnecessary and makes me angry.

By the way, I promise this won't be a "one post per month" kind of blog, I just got super busy with work and life and always had more important things to do. I'm thinking of doing a "one post a day" challenge like Good Buddy Ben, just so I'll actually write more. I'm not saying I'm going to do it, I'm just considering for now.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I live a life of danger

It's true! I almost die nearly every day.

The reason for this is not nearly as exciting as one might think. I'm not some sort of spy, involved in international espionage (as much as I'd love that). No, it's pretty much just because I live in LA. It's hard to go anywhere without some crazy, unaware driver nearly running you down. I also increase my chances of death by riding my bike to work.

I work less than a mile away from my house, it actually might be less than a half mile away, so I ride my bike. I used to walk, but then I got a beautiful bike (after the most frustrating ordeal with Target) so I ride that now. And I have to say, drivers in this town aren't very bike-friendly. They're not too walker-friendly either, for that matter.

I just got bored with this post... It was so much better when I was planning it out in my head. So I'll just leave you here. If you get a chance, check out the SCL post from Friday. It's pretty much amazing.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Look what I found, just lying around!

Hey Friends! (If indeed any of you are still reading this) It's been a while, hasn't it? I kind of forgot about this little guy, but in my pursuit of a good blog site that's not facebook or myspace, I remembered this little treasure that I started a few years ago. Things are pretty different now, I really don't feel the need to be anonymous anymore. But I do need a place to get out my thoughts and ideas, so this seems like the perfect place to do it.

So, let me introduce myself with a few fast facts.

1) I live in LA (that's Los Angeles for those of you initial-impaired folks), and I'm the only person I know that actually loves it here. I guess that could be because I've never lived in New York, which everyone seems to like better. But I like to think it's because this is where I'm supposed to be right now.

2) I have beautiful 6 month old puppy named Henry. Don't ask me where the name Henry came from, my mom named him and it just kind of stuck. I love him, even though he's not good all the time, and I can't imagine him not being around.

3) I have a passion for film, and my ultimate goal is to direct, but I have a lot of other aspects I want to be involved with. I especially want to do voice-over work, and I'm getting back into writing (as evidenced by restarting this blog).

4) I like to make lists.

5) I'm working as a receptionist right now, and I've gotten to the point where I have what I like to call "appropriate response dyslexia." This is where a person says to me, "Good morning," and my reply is "You're welcome." I just say the wrong thing, and it takes me a few seconds to figure out what the appropriate response is. Sometimes I'll just say "insert appropriate response here" if I really can't think of anything.

6) My absolute favorite TV show is Chuck, and my top 3 favorite movies are She's the Man, Beauty and the Beast, and The Princess Bride. I couldn't tell you my favorite book, because I love to read, and I have too many books that I love to choose just one.

7) I'm a girl geek. And pretty proud of it.

8) And probably the most important, I love Jesus more than anything. I don't talk to him enough, but he still takes care of me. More and more I'm realizing how much I need him in my life, how much I need to actively pursue him, instead of passively relying on him to help me when I need it like I've been doing my whole life.

Of course theres more, but that's another thing you'll learn about me, I always forget what I was going to write about halfway through a post. Which is probably good for you, because otherwise I'd probably just write forever and you'd get bored. Really fast.

So I'll end here, but there's a lot more to know about me, and a lot more that can be written here, so come back. And maybe I can learn more about you, too!